Registered. Office: Unit no -17, D-4, District Centre, Rectangle - 1, Saket , New Delhi-110017
Regional Office: First Floor, SCO-7, Sector - 14, Karnal, Haryana-132001
Registered. Office: Unit no -17, D-4, District Centre, Rectangle - 1, Saket , New Delhi-110017
Regional Office: First Floor, SCO-7, Sector - 14, Karnal, Haryana-132001
Sugam Swachhta Pvt. Ltd. operates advanced waste processing plants in Karnal, Kaithal, and Thanesar. These facilities employ cutting-edge technology to process municipality solid waste, producing eco-friendly byproducts such as compost and Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF). The plants utilize methods such as windrow composting, trommel screening, and material recovery for sustainable waste management.
Separates waste for composting and RDF efficiently.
Reduces large waste materials into smaller pieces.
Converts organic waste into compost quickly.
Uses advanced methods for pollutant removal.
Recovers recyclables and processes compost efficiently.
Converts organic waste into compost for agricultural use.
Solid waste is downloaded at the pre-sorting section where large objects are manually removed. The remaining waste passes through a rotary screen, separating materials above 100mm. Organic-rich materials below 100mm are transferred to the composting yard for further processing.
Organic materials are formed into windrows with microbial inoculants and sufficient moisture. Windrows are turned weekly to maintain homogeneity, reaching temperatures of up to 70°C. After three weeks, the partially composted material is prepared for mechanical processing.
Automated trommel screens separate materials using 35mm and 16mm sieves. The organic material undergoes curing, destroying pathogens through high temperatures. The refined compost is stored in batches for quality checks before packaging.